Unbridled 001

A bear on a football field.

Hi. Update on my life. I started a growth and content studio called TRIFECTA. The goal is to do good, innovative work with brands and creators. I want to build it in a "multipreneurship" way.

There are a lot of projects I want to spin up, most of which can become its own company one day. I don't ever foresee myself really investing too much time into one given thing. I don't think I'm built like that. I've experienced enough depression when trying to force myself into that mold. Sure, I think there's a lot of value and growth to be had in focus. But I don't think focus and multipreneurship is mutually exclusive. In fact, I know it's not.

There are enough examples in today's world that speak to this exact model. I look up to those folks who seem to be running similar playbooks with a few different companies. Greg Isenberg for one. Hunter Hammond for another. Jesse Pujji, Marshal Haas, Nik Sharma, and many more. It works. The focus that I do think matters though is in the subject matter. Greg is the community guy. Unbundling Reddit. Hunter is the agency and productized service guy. Jesse a DTC guy. Same with Nik. Marshal is the delegation guy. Also ecom. So for me, what is that?

To be honest, I'm not 100% sure yet. But I think I have some leading indicators. And those are just my interests. I'm interested in ecommerce. In growth. And content. I'm interested in creators and creatives. I'm interested in art, events, nightlife, hospitality, media, and more. There's a throughline in all of this. I haven't yet uncovered it, but I'm chipping away at the sand. Is that even a quote? Lol idk. This is unedited for a reason. Just pure stream of consciousness.

Oh before I forget (how could I!!) Marty Bell is another multipreneur imo. Poolside->Poolsuite, Vacation, and Nude. For me, I love consumer stuff. Brand and tech. I think it's a fascinating application of psychology. Which is the entire reason I got into marketing in the first place.

I'm passionate about impact and I think content is one of the main ways I can do that. Have that. I know my story is quite unique and can help people. I've shied away from it for the past few years. Not sure why exactly but I know a few potential reasons. But I really feel like I don't care anymore.

I'm in my bag and I need to share what I know with the world. I guess it feels like I'm unworthy of that a little bit. It also feels so presumptive of me. Like people want to hear about it. But honestly why should I care if no one reads it. I don't think anyone's going to read this. I won't really promote it. This is just a public forum. More so journal.

It's weird how I'm going back to personal branding a little bit. Not with this blog per se but with everything else I'm doing. For the past few years I didn't want to come off as cringe. But this is the year of cringe as they say. And it's true. Your goals are on the other side of 'cringe.' I think the definition of cringe has changed colloquially. Because cringe is now—and has been for a few years especially in NYC—trying hard. Success needed to seem effortless.

Fuck that. FUCKKKK that. lmfao.

I put fucking WORK in to get where I'm at. I should be proud of that. And I'm going to need to put WORK in to get where I want to get.

To live the life I want to live. I can't afford to be effortless. There are too many people I want to support to be 'effortless.' The pursuit of seeming effortless should die. In vain. No one should ever try to be effortless.

being effortless is a scam. It's only for nepo trust fund babies. That's another thing I feel strongly about. There's a slight sense of resentment there, sure. But like. It's valid. Why shouldn't I resent (albeit slightly) people who are higher up in life than me who didn't work for it as hard as I did?

I mean, a lot of it isn't their fault. So it's not really that deep. But I can't help but feel that way a little bit. Though, it doesn't really matter. Being resentful won't get the work done. So alas we move on and focus on ourselves. We focus on the grind. Our path forward. I can either use that as motivation or stay put because of it. I choose the former. And I need to every day.

I can complain to my parents all I want about everyone who's 'ahead of me' but it won't retire them any sooner. Putting in work will. And that's on period. being effortless is a fucking scam. Don't fall for it. Put the fucking work in.

That said, I'm in a state of being where I'm starting to really hit my pockets and get in my bag. I'm pursuing a state of action. It's like the Morning Pages. Don't overthink it, just get the work done. Optimize later. You don't have to launch perfectly you just have to launch. Fuck perfection.

Nothing ever lasting came from launching perfectly. If that was the case then your customers would be one and done. Because you launched a perfect product. But we all know that's fucking impossible. You can always improve. And even if you launched the perfect product you probably don't have the perfect supply chain. The perfect ads. Trying to be perfect is a pursuit of vanity. Or false reality.

Nothing will ever be perfect so just do what you need to do. Don't settle for shit but also don't not do shit. I think that makes sense.

I'm balancing a lot right now. Well it just feels like it. I haven't gotten to be fully optimal yet but I'm working on it. I just need to continue hitting my pockets and keeping my pace of action up. That's it. I know that'll take me a long way. It's the process. Trust in it and look up and see you're in the end zone. Shoutout Brock from Facing the Giants.

Blindfold yourself, focus on the sensations, listen to coaches voice, and move one step at a time. Or in this case one bear crawl step at a time.